I saw a link to an eWeek story and visited in part because I hadn’t been there in so long.
Ugh. Now I remember why. Here’s a 30 second screencast showing you why I’m not a regular reader.
Link to video: http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=c0467b333753b3d3fd849b14b76c56a4.1605369
First, notice the page load time. Then, once it loads, notice the billboard mania that draws my eye in every location other than the first sentence. I’m gone before I started.
But the killer is the IntelliTxt ad…a fakey inline link that is actually an ad that blocks the text on the page when you rollover the “link”. Notice it conveniently doesn’t block the other ads.
Fortunately, there’s a Greasemonkey script that will disable any IntelliTxt ads from any web site. Funny enough, I found this script on Wikipedia. It works great.
I thought the IntelliTxt issue was dead, but media sites scrapping to maintain profits on the page view model are bottom feeding for clicks with clutter and misleading links. Instead, they should spend their resources courting relationships with readers.
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