Here's one of the most interesting ideas I've heard in a while...from
Vinod Khosla at the Web 2.0 Conference...what if students' text books were wikified? Why not let the contents of these books evolve into more organic and deeper resources online? They would stay more current. They would provide more depth for students who wanted to get deeper on a subject. It would save the publishers time and money (at the expense of profits, of course) which would save taxpayers money. A printed version would be much cheaper and therefore more accessible. But the most intesting aspect of this idea is that the cultural biases of today's educational text books might get washed away with the participation from the contribution pool or at least put in the right context as biases.
Jeff Jarvis pointed out in Q&A that this is already starting to happen at
WikiBooks which I had seen before but didn't really get until now. Check out this
US History book which spends proportionately more time on pre-Columbus America than the text books I recall from my primary school days.
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