Day 1 at Yahoo!

Yesterday was my first day at Yahoo!  The last time I started a new job, I spent an hour with an HR rep going over the company benefits.  This time I was initiated in an all day session of presentations on culture, facilities (parking problems!), benefits, helpdesk, perks, etc. with about 50 other new hires in a big classroom.  I strapped on my anti-brainwash helmet as best I could, but some stuff leaked through already.  I'm very impressed, so far.

I was then given a nice backpack, a new laptop and a login to the intranet, and then I joined my team.  Jason Douglas welcomed me to my new cube, a shared space which is strangely familiar to the environment he and I worked in together years ago at Macworld.  Scott Gatz sits across from me, and the rest of the Open Media team is nearby.

Though the commute feels bearish from San Francisco, it will clearly be worth it.

I'll get into posting again when I have a better sense of what we're working on.  At this point, I'm just an information sponge trying to take it all in...and what a lot to take in!  This place is seriously buzzing.

Tags:  yahoo
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Yahoo! Social Media Tools
Weblog:  Marc's Voice
Excerpt:  Matt McAllister has done more real work at Yahoo in three months than many corporate dweebs do in an entirelifetime. Matt first went to Yahoo (from IDG) back in July and I ran into him there - while schmoozing at the cafeteria scene - one fine summer d...
Posted:  Fri Oct 28 01:13:10 EDT 2005
Day 1 at Yahoo!