Matthew Yeomans' view of the "Referral Economy" at Time Europe

First, it's great to see former colleagues Bernhard Warner and Matthew Yeomans enter the blogosphere discussion on media at their new venture Custom Communications where it seems they are pimping themselves as bloggers for hire.  Second, Matthew shares some good insights in a Time article where he defines the new online world in terms of the "Referral Economy":

"Of course, consumer recommendations on the Web aren't new. Amazon and others have deployed them with great success for years. What's changed is that blogs and other social networks have created a consumer conversation outside the control of any particular company or website.

...'You get better search through people,' says Bradley Horowitz, director of technology development. 'It's no longer a question of whether social networking is important, it's a question of how do we leverage this phenomenon.' And, perhaps, of who will be the first to get there."


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Matthew Yeomans' view of the "Referral Economy" at Time Europe