Viewing the world through other people's subscription lists

The discussions around sharing lists have felt a bit empty to me, generally, mostly because I don't understand it.  Even something more tangible like sharing playlists doesn't quite get to what I want as a consumer despite the idea's unmistakeable coolness factor.

What starts to get interesting to me, though, is seeing the effects of people's subscriptions rather than the subscriptions themselves.  I've been fascinated with memeorandum ever since I heard that the tech channel was seeded with Scoble's blog roll (is it true?).  So, it's logical to consider an interesting lens might be and  

Then I started seeing referrals from in my logs a week or so ago.  And this week Alex Barnett posted about megite showing that he now has, essentially, alexbarnett.memeorandum.  Doc Searls' blog is a bit of a pain to read, but I like his views and what he's all about.  Luckily, I can now see the Doc Searls lens on the world rather than read all his posts.

Megite is the Being John Malkevich RSS Reader.  Here's the view through my head (Apparently, I'm a gay AJAX programmer.  My wife will be surprised to hear this, as will my boss).

UPDATE: Nick Cubrilovic challenges both the accuracy and utility of a service like Megite:

"The more memetrackers that commit themselves to the personalized path the less people we have working on the real problem of prioritizing content and finding the smaller stories that everybody would be interested in knowing about. Getting the first part right would be far more interesting not just for me but for most people out there who are interested in the long tail of news."


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Attention engines - screencast
Weblog:  Alex Barnett blog
Excerpt:  I created a quick screencast to show what I mean by the term 'Attention Engines'. Before I sign out...
Posted:  Fri Feb 17 03:58:04 EST 2006
Viewing the world through other people's subscription lists